> Init

updated 12 months ago created: 17 October 2020

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This is Ramiro Salas' personal microknowledge site, where I post short, general thoughts about things that matter to me, trying as much as possible to follow the Zettelkasten methodology for all new content. I've also rescued some still relevant pieces of my old blog under the historical tag.

This entire site is mostly a collection of things I want to remember. If they're useful to someone else, great, but I'm ultimately writing for me and for those who see value in some of these writings. I don't have any interest in 'followers' or up/down votes.

This site is based on TiddlyWiki with a few specialized plugins. You can also read on my rationale to choose this tool vs. others in the evolution of my blog.

This site has no trackers, and it's completely self-contained on a single file (except for external images), so there are no ways to leave comments. Contact me if you want to reach out directly.

You can search, explore the tags or all articles and tiddlers via the navigation menus to the left. I typically write about technology, high-end audio and video. I'm also a gourmet cook so I talk about food and recipes, kitchen gear and techniques.

I also post some essays with my own personal opinions, culture and other things.

Please read this site's Disclaimer for details.